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Get informed

There is information on environmental issues we all face that can cause distress without providing alternatives to channel our concerns. Here we offer some resources that may be useful to understand the challenges and ways to face them:


David Attenborough: UA Life on Our Planet

Trailer of the documentary in which this famous naturalist reflects on the defining moments of his life and the devastating changes he has witnessed. Provides a snapshot of the global loss of nature and the solutions to help save our planet.

How to Save "Our Planet"

In this video and in the documentary series , Attenborough seeks to inspire people to protect nature facing the environmental crisis we find ourselves in.

An inconvenient truth

A classic documentary on climate change that provides concrete actions that we can all undertake.

Category (en-gb)

Act accordingly

There are three main ways we can act in our daily lives:

  1. Modifying our diet

    Consuming natural, local or regional foods that have been sustainably produced.


    Sustainable food

  3. Changing our consumption patterns

  4. Observing, informing yourself and consciously deciding to buy better products for the planet, as well as reducing consumption, reusing or recycling products.

    Bottled water:



  5. Exploring and restoring nature in our locality

    Finding out, getting to know, planting trees and making pollinator gardens, always focusing on native species of your locality. There are resources that can help you in this process. For example, for Mexico City -where Planisphera is based- these guides are available:


    Sustainable cities:

    We can also:

  7. Change our energy consumptiona

  8. At home, making efficient use of energy and water (water supply requires energy), reduce your waste generation,reuse and, whenever possible, choose reused or recycled materials. Learn more on "How to know if you contribute to the circular economy"

    Use renewable energy whenever possible and, when you can, walk or cycle, your energy is renewable and clean!

  9. Ask the businesses we buy from for change

  10. If you notice things that could be improved, it is important to mention them.

    #OurPlaneta | Our business

    To achieve sustainable development, we need to act in innovative ways. And that includes business.

  11. To achieve sustainable development

  12. We need to act in innovative ways. And that includes business contac us

Category (en-gb)

Influence policy making

Ask your representatives to promote the green transition. Whoever you vote for, demand that they set a transition agenda.



José Mújica: la crisis económica, la crisis ecológica, es en sí, una crisis política.

Thinking consumerism and what we are looking after - George Monbiot

Joseph Stiglitz: Inequality as a market failure

Demand your government to support community conservation

Despited the use of natural resources by the inhabitants of rural areas is often deemed as a negative, it is quite the opposite since it is generally carried out in processes connected with nature and combined with care and conservation actions. In Latin America, indigenous and tribal territories comprise around a third of the continent's forests and a similar patterns is observed in other regions of the planet. In Latin America, 14% of the carbon is stored in the world's tropical forests, and these territories are also home to an enormous diversity of wild fauna and flora and play a key role in stabilizing the local and regional climate.

In fact, the preliminary analysis contained in this (document, suggests that investments and policies aimed at strengthening collective management of such territories could significantly reduce expected carbon emissions at low cost, in addition to offering many other environmental and social benefits.

Here is a document from FAO and FILAC on community / indigenous forest management: